Our Mission is to be the preferred conflict engagement and education team known for accurately tailored services.

Sharon Brunner
Creative // Founder
Conflict Resolution Specialist

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Wayne Houston
Certified Mediator Restorative Justice & Youth Leadership Expert

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Vivian Morey
Certified Mediator
Conflict Consultant & Trainer

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Sharon Brunner Founder of Brunner Resolution Group

Drawing on 14 years of professional conflict engagement experience, 25 yrs. of workshop creation & delivery, Sharon has engaged with people from military service to justice impacted. Her breadth of experience allows her to relate to fellow humans with empathy and understanding.  Sharon has a knack for connecting with her audience. She is serious about providing a tailored experience with each individual or business. Large or small groups, she and her team will exceed your expectations. This is not a death by power point team with a canned curriculum. Sharon and her team are excited by the possibilities clients continue to create. While thousands of people claim they are coaches and mediators, Sharon and her team maintain rigorous and continuous learning and certifications. Sharon holds a MAOL, with a BS in Adult Workforce Education & Training, a trained Peer Counselor, Trauma Informed, Government Mediator, Certified Conflict Coach, WA Women Veteran Advisory Committee, and experience in Reentry to name a few things.

In her free time, Sharon enjoys reading and hiking along the West Coast with her husband and dogs.

Wayne Houston Certified Conflict Resolution Specialist

With 20 plus years of experience of conflict resolution helping individuals, families, businesses, and various community groups manage their conflict. In addition to managing his business, Polaris Resolution Group, Wayne volunteers with the Kitsap Dispute Resolution Center as a mentor mediator and restorative justice practitioner with a focus on working with youth. Wayne is veteran of the US Airforce and retired airline pilot. Call Wayne at 360-745-8049, or email him at polarisresolutiongroup@gmail.com.

In his spare time, Wayne enjoys spending time with his family, which includes his wife, 3 sons, 1 bonus son and daughter, 2 daughter in-laws, 3 granddaughters and three grand dogs.  Wayne also enjoys boating, biking and going on nature walks.

Vivian Morey Certified Mediation Consultant & Trainer

Vivian joins us with 16 years of certified mediation experience, and as an expert consultant, and co-instructor.  A graduate of the Peer Mediation Program, Vivian continued her mediation practice becoming a Peer Trainer and a certified Mediator for the Dispute Resolution Center - Kitsap. She is also a trained Circle Keeper and Circle Trainer. She is taking her conflict resolution skills to small businesses in the area to help them understand what is causing their conflict and how to engage with positive business outcomes. Vivian is a vital member of our team instructing workshops for businesses and agencies with tailored information to match their unique work and conflict issues.  Vivian comes to the conflict profession with a trauma informed background and deep understanding of cultural diversity with 8 years of experience as a Behavioral Health Ombudsman for the State of Washington.